Showing posts with label mistakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mistakes. Show all posts




When the 60's cop pulls the left end of the billboard sign after stopping their car there,if you zoom into it the car is rather parked right to the middle of it.

Returning back to MiB after his suspension days, agent J passes through a huge screen with the aliens that can be watched. The two of them are Lady Gaga and Bill Gates.

Young Agent K's hands gets interchanged as apart, crossed and one on top of the other with no continuity anything it may be, when K starts questioning agent J.

In 1960 when agent J ways out of the Flatiron building, a woman walking right behind him; then comes a shot cuts of a group of hippies to his POV furthermore continues with the previous shot of agent J where the woman continues to walk, rather here she should have gone a lot meters ahead as of now.

A Question often strikes after watching MiB III is that ' Later to the death of agent K being killed in the past, why is that only agent J remembers all the things at once and at the same time nobody bethinks agent K ( ahead of 1969's ).

Appropriately, it is that man who gave agent J the time travelling device where he does say that he can remember K because agent J ( the young black brat at the Cape Canaveral was he himself and so being involved in the events inactively or indifferently, agent J remembers agent K even after his death beyond '69.