| Dozy scenario |

Playing for Keeps is a Rom - Com starring Gerard Butler & Jessica Biel in the lead characters. The sweetie Noah Lomax is their little soccer kid where all the story lies. Director Gabriele Muccino fails this time to survive at the BO. His past HITS ' The Pursuit of Happyness ' and ' Seven Pounds ' along with Will Smith were worth notifying. But this time Robbie Fox ( Writer, So I Married an Axe Murderer ) fails to hand his notion pre-eminently. The film is painfully stereotyped that has a dozy impact on the spectators the minute it flashes. Probably, the film won't pay you correctly for the tickets rather due to its mere low entertainment value and a moulded hot jumble.
Playing for Keeps fails to present most likable womens viz. Judy Greer, Uma Thurman and Catherine Zeta Jones wasting their possibilities and abilities showing how happy Butler is, in bed with all the former ladies having Biel as the exception. Butler as in PS I Love You had embraced his acting powers at his best misses this year.
George ( Butler ) is a former soccer champion also a divorced ( with Biel ) having their nine year old child ( Noah Lomax ) tries to move closer to his family. He becomes the coach of his son's soccer team to procure his life back on track by sleeping with the mother's of the kids in the soccer team. As usual Stacy ( Biel ) gets closer to George getting familiar incidents to occur and ending with a soppy finale forecasting you to believe in the power of LOVE. Playing for Keeps fails to put in the power into the film as Muccino did in ' The Pursuit of Happyness ' demonstrating his skills at rom com ciné.
The Rating :